Business After Hours this Wednesday
This Wednesday August 25 from 5 - 6pm at Rosseau Road Powersport and Marine. Come out and tour their new location, network with fellow chamber members and enter a draw for the chance to win a deck chair.
Please RSVP to or call 746-4213 to confirm your attendance for any Business After Hours.
Red Tape Principles: Bill 68-Open for Business Act Submission
The Ontario Chamber of Commerce as well as the Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce are seeking your help understanding how businesses feel about red tape in the province. A group of Chambers in Ontario as well as corporations have formed a task force to discuss unresolved issues with red tape in the province.
We’re opening up discussion for our members in order to ensure that all businesses, small and large, Northern and Southern have an opportunity to have your views heard.
To add your thoughts please visit
If you are interested in learning more about the current status of this issue, please see the OCC’s submission at
Golf Tournament “Fall Classic”
Our “Fall Classic” Tournament is quickly selling out so please contact the Chamber office to reserve your spot. The event will be held on Wednesday October 6 at the Parry Sound Golf and Country Club, $125.00 per person plus hst, shotgun start at 11am, lunch optional, silent auction and dinner at 5pm with awards presentations, a great day away from the office and a chance to mix and mingle with fellow business operators.
Upcoming Business Workshops & Seminars:
Accessibility Workshop Hosted by the OCC and the PSACOC
The Ontario Chamber of Commerce and the Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a workshop to help Ontario businesses comply with Ontario’s new customer service standards. Please join us on Wednesday September 29, 2010 at the West Parry Sound District Museum start time 8:30am to Noon for this important information session by speaker Louie DiPalma, Accessibility Works, Ontario Chamber of Commerce. We as chamber associations are determined to help businesses so that they can better serve the growing population of people
with all types of disabilities.
For additional information and to rsvp please contact Jessie at the Chamber 705-746-4213 or
Business Planning Seminars – REDAC
REDAC and The Business Centre have been offering numerous educational seminars throughout the month of August. All seminars are free and have been very informative. In the early stages of Dragons Den many applicants identified that they require assistance with Valuation and Intellectual Property and therefore private consultants have been hired to offer these seminars this week.
These seminars are open to everyone and are not exclusive to Dragons Den applicants. They should not be missed by any business professional! Please RSVP to Kirsten LeDrew at or 705-746-2101 ext. 39 should you wish to attend.
Invite your friends, colleagues, and business partners!
Valuation presented by Jeffrey D. Cling and Morgan McIntyre
Join Valuation Experts of AP Valuations Limited for a presentation done in partnership with The Business Centre Nipissing Parry Sound on how to determine the economic value of your business, product, or service.
August 25th – 6:00-8:00pm
Parry Sound Fire Hall-upstairs - 4 Church Street
Intellectual Property
Please join The Business Centre and Steven Leach B.A.Sc. (Eng. Chem.), LL.B., LL.M. of RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP, Canada’s Intellectual Property and Technology Law Firm for an overview and question period designed to outline the importance and strategic use of Intellectual Property.
Participants will have an introduction to trade secrets, patents, trade-marks, copyrights and industrial designs; and gain access to useful resources and tips.
August 26th - 5:00-7:00pm
Parry Sound Fire Hall-upstairs - 4 Church Street
District of Parry Sound VCARS Seminar
Parry Sound VCARS will be hosting a seminar regarding Documentation, Confidentiality, Disclosure and Access Policy presented by Robert M Solomon at Kellerman’s Resort on September 13,2010, 5-8pm and cost per person will be $40.00 inclusive of dinner. Please register before September 3rd and for more information and to reserve your ticket please contact VCARS at (705) 746-0508.
The Synergy Project Presents Management & Leadership Skills
Management & Leadership Skills for First Time Supervisors and Managers presented by: National Seminars Group. The seminar will take place at the West Parry Sound District Museum and runs from 9-4pm on September 21st and 22nd with registration beginning at 8:30am.
Please register by September 10th and for more information on this highly interactive workshop contact Alyssa Koenderink, Synergy Project Coordinator, 746-9330 or email
What’s Happening In Our Community?
As many of us are aware, poverty takes many forms, not all of them visible: the inability to find or afford transportation, no access to safe, appropriate and affordable housing, not enough or unhealthy food which leads to chronic hunger cycles and lack of adequate nutrition.
Not only is this a social issue that we should all be concerned about, it’s also a business operational issue. An unhealthy social and economic environment leads to inadequate sleep and a lack of nutritious food in the labour force. This contributes to reduced productivity and therefore negatively impacts overall operations.
On the flip-side, a healthier social environment yields healthier families, improved productivity and a stronger economy. “The District of Parry Sound Speaks Out on Poverty: A Call to Action,” provides in-depth information on local circumstances and recommends strategies to link economic development and poverty prevention.
Contact info – Copy of report available at To receive a paper copy by mail call 1-800-563-2808 ext 3200, or email to reach a co-chair (Dianna Allen or Tami Boudreau) of the District of Parry Sound Poverty Reduction Network.
What’s Happening With Our Members?
Susan Poole of 40 Bay Street B&B
Congratulations to Susan Poole of 40 Bay Street Bed and Breakfast on her accreditation with the BB Canada to be a certified instructor for coaching Bed and Breakfast operations!!
Georgian Bay Software New Location
Georgian Bay Software is thrilled to announce they are officially moving to their new, larger store! Located at 42 Gibson Street they now have double the retail space, double the tech space, and a new training area for classes and Internet Cafe.
They are hosting a grand opening on Saturday, August 28th so swing by, check out the new store, and enjoy a BBQ lunch.
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